How to Edit an article on your new Joomla website:
The edit process on your Joomla site is simple, follow the directions that follow:
- Log into the admin area, this will always be your domain followed by /administrator, eg:
- The codes will be emailed to you on hand over of the site.
- The control panel page will open.
- Select Article Manager to edit or add an article
- Select the article you wish to edit.
- A text editor will open where you can edit and update your article and add images.
- During the edit process you can click Apply to save and carry on working.
- To leave the article edit page click Save or Apply & Close
Article advanced options:
- To the right of your Article there are three headings that on clicking will open.
- Parameters, Parameters advanced & Metadata Info.
- Parameters: Select who you want to author the article, or go under an alias, set to which level is able to view the article, and various publishing settings.
- Advanced allows you to show the title, set the title to a link, show some interesting icons to send an email to somebody about the article, download as PDF, print it etc
- Metadata is good for search engines to find you, fill in the info as requested. Be careful of words that have double meanings, like Python is a snake & a computer language.
How do I add a new page?
- You need to create an article 1st, so go to the menu Content> Article manager. If Content is not clickable then close the page/s using the top right menu.
- Under Article Manager Click New, give the Article a name, select a Section & Category.
- Enter your Article info in the text editor, add images using the link under the WYSIWYG editor, experiment its quite powerful. Html can be added here, but quite limited.
- Now you need to go to the menu section, remember to save & close.
- Go to menu: Menu> Menu manager, select the menu you want to add the page to, will probably be the Top Menu, select it under menu items, click the small icon.
- Select New, select Article, the tree opens a bit more, select Article layout.
- Add in a name, select the parent item, and if it’s a sub menu select the next menu above your article menu.
- On the right of the screen select your article you just added and saved.
- Click Save.
That’s it, you have just added a new page with a menu item to open the page, it’s that easy so now you can grow your site yourself.